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We are given a stream of binary data that we must somehow decode. We eventually worked out that it used Manchester Coding.

0110101001010101011010010101011001101001010110100110101001100101 0110100101101001011010101001101001101010010101010110100110010101 0101101001100101011010100101101001100101011001100101100110100110 0110100101100110011010011010100101101001010110100101101001010101 0110100101100101010110100101011001101001101010010110100101101010 0101100110100110011001100101010101100101011001100110101010100110

We can use an online decoder (such as this) to decode it, we are then left with:


We can then decode this from binary in CyberChef into ASCII and this gives us the flag:

Flag: pactf{ph4sE-enc0d1ng-PE}