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Crypto #17

Try the other tasks first before attempting these more difficult challenges! This one is very hard. Made by pink#3872

Crypto #16B

You need to complete #1A first, make sure to read the prompt again [final.dat] Made by pink#3872

Crypto #16A

Try the other tasks first before attempting these more difficult challenges! Made by pink#3872

Some dumb RE challenge

Here's a linux program compiled by another program I wrote, it should be fairly unintuitive to reverse engineer so good luck! [https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/631618075254325257/759334352886169640/a.out] Since I'm nice, here's the source code: [https://gist.github.com/simmsb/28c165087b301fcce234c1533861421e] And here's the source code of the compiler: [https://github.com/simmsb/some-scheme-compiler]